Avada Hotel

MP75 L Machine Plaster KNAUF 25kg

From: 33.69

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Projection plaster MP75 L, 25 kg
A light and particularly efficient pre-mixed dry mortar on proven plaster gypsum basis with special light aggregates for smoothed interior surfaces.

Plaster for creation of smoothed, freely-structured or levelled surfaces for interior walls and ceilings in normal air humidity, including domestic humid rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. As a single-layer plaster for all kinds of masonry, concrete as well as stable plasterable substrates.

Special advantages:
Light gypsum building plaster for interior applications
Mineral based
Light and very efficient
Establishes a comfortable and healthy room atmosphere
Regulates moisture and is diffusion permeable
Fire protection effective
Abrasion-resistant and nail-proof
Coat thickness up to 50 mm
Allows hand or machine application

Technical data:
Flexural strength: ≥ 1.0 N/mm²
Compressive strength: ≥ 2.0 N/mm²
Surface hardness: ≥ 6.0 N/mm²
Water vapour diffusion Dry: 10
coeffi cient μ: Wet: 6
Thermal conductivity: 0.34 W/(m?K)
Adhesive strength: ≥ 0.1 N/mm²
pH value: 10-12
Dry density: approx. 950 kg/m³
Yield: 100 kg = approx. 125 l mortar

Usage: approx. 8 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm

25 kg bag or pallet = 40 x 25kg bags= 1000kg

If you require a higher or different quantity of this product, please contact us for a quote and to discuss your requirements, the best options and the lowest transport price. 

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bag / Container Size

25 kg, 30 kg, 1 pallet


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